Founding policy

 | Post date: 2024/11/2 | 
Funding Policy for the Journal of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (JoMMID)

1. Overview
The Journal of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (JoMMID) is a peer-reviewed, open-access quarterly publication managed by the Pasteur Institute of Iran. As a government organization, the Pasteur Institute of Iran fully funds the journal, covering all operational and publication expenses. This funding model ensures that there are no article processing charges (APCs) or submission fees for authors, which aligns with our commitment to disseminating scientific knowledge without financial barriers.

2. Funding Source
The Pasteur Institute of Iran, a government organization dedicated to advancing scientific research and public health, provides comprehensive financial support for JoMMID. This funding covers all aspects of the journal's operations, including but not limited to:
  • Editorial processes
  • Peer review management
  • Production and publication of articles
  • Digital archiving and maintenance
  • Marketing and dissemination of published research

3. Publication Charges
There are no charges for authors to publish in JoMMID. All articles are published free of charge, ensuring equitable access for researchers from all geographic and economic backgrounds. This policy eliminates financial barriers to publication and supports the global dissemination of research findings.

4. Open Access Policy
JoMMID is an open-access journal, meaning that all published articles are freely accessible to readers worldwide without subscription fees. This aligns with our mission to promote the widest possible dissemination of research in the fields of medical microbiology and infectious diseases.

5. Ethical Standards and Transparency
JoMMID adheres to the highest ethical standards in publishing. Our funding model is transparently communicated to authors, reviewers, and readers. We ensure that the source of funding does not influence editorial decisions, maintaining the integrity and independence of our peer-review process.

6. Advertising and Sponsorship
JoMMID does not currently accept advertising or sponsorships as a source of revenue. The full funding provided by the Pasteur Institute of Iran ensures that the journal can operate without the need for additional commercial support, preserving its focus on scientific quality and integrity.

7. Conflict of Interest
Editors, reviewers, and authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the funding source. JoMMID has a stringent policy to handle conflicts of interest to ensure unbiased and objective editorial decisions.

8. Future Funding Adjustments
Should there be any changes in the funding structure, JoMMID commits to maintaining transparency with its authors, reviewers, and readers. Any adjustments to the funding policy will be communicated promptly and clearly on the journal’s website and in relevant communications.

The Journal of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (JoMMID) is fully funded by the Pasteur Institute of Iran, allowing us to offer free publication services to authors and free access to readers. This funding model supports our mission to advance scientific knowledge and public health without financial barriers, adhering to international standards of transparency, ethical integrity, and open access.


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